Graphics Designer & Social Media Specialist

I do graphic design work such as website design, website mockups and prototyping, create social media artworks, and social media and google ad designs. Sometimes, I do brand and print design. 

I also manage one of our clients’ social media accounts and curate content.

I also do magic occasionally.

Celine Rose Merto

Learn More About me

What I Do

Graphic Design

I specialise in graphic design. It’s an interesting practice where you are able to bridge the gap between the brand and the audience through art.

March to the beat of your own drum!

Celine Rose Merto

What is your proudest professional achievement?

My proudest professional achievement is when I finally found something that I like to do everyday without being resentful of my decision.

What has been the highlight of working at Digilari?

That is a very good question. One of the highlights would be being able to travel and work at the same time.

Why did you apply for a role with Digilari? What attracted you to working with our team?

Hah! I didn’t even know about Digilari prior to my scheduled interview. Before Digilari, I was an Electronics Engineer hopping from one company to another and then I got tired and a bit worn out so I quit from my last job.

I’ve always been interested in marketing and design even before college but back then I lived in a small province and there wasn’t a lot of choices when it comes to college courses. So I did what was practical and chose engineering. It was fun at school but not so much when it comes to work. (Turns out higher math isn’t as useful when you’re working at a manufacturing facility – I liked math in college)

ANYWAY! I was unemployed for about a year and was studying digital marketing wherever I could (youtube, udemy, hubspot, linkedin, etc.) and started applying for jobs in different cities. One of the local Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies got back to me eventually. I passed the initial interview and then they had me create a Digital Marketing plan for their client (which was not Digilari Media at the time – the client they’ve assigned to me was selling bathroom interior design services or something like that). So I created what I believed (I was a novice) was a very comprehensive Digital Marketing Plan. They said they liked it and they wanted me to come in and have my interview with the client. I researched all about bathroom interior design and prepared a competitor analysis report prior to the interview.

When I came in, the BPO company did not inform me that I was interviewing with another client and not the bathroom people. The bathroom people, as it turned out, pulled out.

The BPO company shared my digital marketing plan with Sean and (I guess) he liked it because he jumped on a call with me. I only found out that that was what happened when we were doing the skype interview and Sean introduced himself (with David – he was one of the team members back then) and told me that they are a digital marketing agency and not bathroom interior designers.

It was a happy incident and I’ve been working with Sean and Digilari ever since – for 6 years! Based on my experience, he’s a really good leader and he takes care of his team.

Who inspires you?

Yoda! haha just kidding. My mom. She’s everything to me.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to get into marketing?

Keep up with new updates and technology in the industry. Also, be kind to your Graphic and UI/UX designers.

Do you have any advice for small to medium businesses who are just getting started in their marketing journey?

Don’t be cheap when it comes to brand design. They are expensive for a reason.

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Outside of work, I am a hobbyist artist. I do anything I can to create – paint, crafts, jewellery making, stamping, etc. (Whatever I could think of). I also love going on adventures, especially at sea. Of course, my dog – I am passionate about my dog.

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