Google Ads Agency

Paid search is an advertising technique where you pay for every click.
We at Digilari understand this, knowing that everything that costs you money has to go through plenty of effort. We maintain that each dollar spent on paid advertising should be planned thoroughly so you can get the highest possible ROl. That’s what we do at Digilari. We research the market, gain deep insights to develop a solid plan, and implement and monitor every aspect of your campaign.

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Maximising Your Marketing Impact

Case Studies

Unleashing the Power of Well-Managed Google Ads Campaigns in a Cutthroat Market

Success Story

How a Value-Oriented Ecommerce Business Succeeds in a Niche Market

A case study to showcase how the strategic optimisation of Google Ads campaigns coupled with a resourceful approach to budgeting overcome an ecommerce website’s niche market challenges.

Three Springs Farm: an email marketing case study

3-Month Period (Jan-Mar 2022 vs 2023)

Conversion rate






Challenge: Three Springs Farm operates in a niche market with a cost-conscious budget. Its cost per conversion is high, therefore limiting its Google Ads’ targeting options and ad delivery and impacting its overall campaign performance.

Practices Implemented: To address these challenges, Digilari implemented resourceful optimisation strategies:

  • Ad copy testing was conducted to identify compelling messaging that resonates with the target audience.
  • A Google Merchant Centre account and Performance Max campaigns were built to test audiences, offer a greater reach and improve targeting options.
  • Bid adjustments were made strategically to optimise the ad delivery within the allocated budget.
  • Keywords and ad copies were tested and adjusted to enhance the campaigns’ quality score and performance.

ResultsThe implementation of these Google Ads optimisations yielded impressive results for Three Springs Farm. Over the same period a year apart, the e-commerce conversion rate improved by 482%, indicating a significant increase in Google Ads’ website visitors completing purchases. Moreover, during the same period, 66.7% more transactions were recorded and 71% more revenue was achieved through Google Ads.

What to Expect from Our PPC Services


Conversion Rate Increase


Cost per Conv Drop


Ads CTR Increase

Strategies & Work Process

Turn $1 Investment into $10

Every advertising campaign needs a little TLC, which is why Digilari’s PPC services bring the extra special touch to ensure your ads reach their maximum potential.
Ad copywriting and testing, ongoing campaign management, and more. With every step in the process, our goal is to ensure that your advertising campaigns are reaching their ideal audience at the right time–all with a heavy dose of wit. Get ready for Digilari’s PPC services to take your advertising to the next level.

Web Audits & Strategy Sessions

The web audit for our advertising-savvy client begins with a deep dive into the Online Advertising Landscape. We'll take an in-depth look at how their competitors are taking advantage of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and other techniques to promote their brands and stand out from the competition. Our team of experienced advertising specialists will analyse the metrics of each campaign and make sure our client is maximising their return on investment. We'll also examine existing advertising structures to identify any opportunities that may have been overlooked or under-utilised. Finally, we'll provide a comprehensive report with detailed recommendations for improving their presence in the online advertising world. Our goal is to ensure our client's success with online advertising, and our web audit is the first step in achieving that.

Onboard & In-depth Strategy Development

Our team of advertising specialists uses data-driven strategies to create custom campaigns that are tailored to your specific goals and objectives. We start by discussing the best methods for optimising and managing your advertising budget, followed by keyword research and selection.
• Goal Setting: How do you expect your business to grow in a given period of time? ROl, reach, acquisition, etc.
• Buyer Persona: Buyer personas provide valuable insight into your target audience and help shape the customer journey. Through buyer persona research, our specialists can make informed goal-setting decisions to ensure that your campaigns reach the right people at the right time on their customer journey.
• Keyword & Queries Forecasting: based on the goal and buyer personas, our team of paid advertising specialists can now per perform informed keyword research and explore the trending topics and the relevant leads are looking to target themes

Action Plans & Execution

When it comes to paid advertising, the execution step is all about action. It's where the rubber meets the road. The ad specialists get their hands dirty and work to ensure that everything is running smoothly, from optimising bids and budget allocation to tracking performance and making adjustments as needed - all in an effort to generate better results for your business. It's a labour of love and dedication that requires serious attention to detail. So, if you want your ad campaigns to hit the pavement running, our team of experienced professionals will make sure your campaigns are designed, implemented and monitored with precision - so that those goals you set will be achieved in no time!

Monthly Reports & Optimisations

Once your ads roll out, you'll receive monthly reports from our project manager based on monitored data collected from our advertising team. These reports will give you a clear picture of how your ad campaigns are performing on a monthly basis. You'll also find our suggestions about the next steps or any campaign adjustments. With our reports, you'll just need to rest by reviewing our suggestions knowing that your ads are managed by industry specialists!

Our USPs

Partnered with 50+ Industries

Full Peice Disclosure, with Flexible, Customisable Packages

Get Started

Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? Contact us now and let’s discuss how our PPC strategies can drive substantial growth for your business.

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