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Ensuring your businesses digital assets are at their very best has never been more important than right now.
As governments around the world are now lifting restrictions with regards to isolation requirements. A lot more customers are still preferring to do business with you online as opposed to in person. As such, to stay economically viable and take advantage of the ongoing changes in consumption habits. You will need to ensure that your ‘digital house’ is well and truly in order.
Here are some immediate things you can focus on to improve your overall digital assets:
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
Your website is generally the most valuable digital asset you have.
As such Search Engine Optimisation fundamentals have never been so important. Having the correct page structure and telling the search engines like Google, exactly what the page stands for. It is a key factor for being indexed right and showing on page 1 of search results. In fact, being indexed correctly plays a major factor in how your website pages get organic rankings. Other on-page assets such as meta-title and descriptions, title tags etc. All help customers and search engines determine what the page is about. The more comprehensive the website is, the more organic search results you are likely to achieve.
Website Tracking & Tagging
Ensuring your website is correctly tagged and tracked provides you with the most up to date. Additionally, ensures accurate data you need to make the best marketing decisions. Whether you use the data to support your marketing channels, content creation, blog activities. Moreover, assess how your social media is performing, you will be able to back up any strategy with appropriate data. Get the tagging and tracking right and you’ll be able to make more informed decisions.
PPC (Pay Per Click)
Pay Per Click advertising is still one of the most affordable ways to promote to your customers that you are open and ready for business. Whether it is through Google Ads, Bing Ads or Social Media ads (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and alike). Lifting your market presence, especially as we come out of this adverse business trading period. With ongoing social distancing and consumer preference to shop online. A well-targeted PPC campaign is your best chance to gain market ground when your competition is holding ground. It’s a simple case of attack being the best line of defence. You can read more about PPC’s advantages here: Does Google Ads Work for Small Businesses?
Often overlooked, Blogging is in fact another very powerful digital asset.
Writing more blogs about your business, industry, case studies and alike during this time will show that you are open for business and active. It’s an opportunity to give customers more information and make them aware of how easy. Even in these tougher times, it is to do business with you. The more they see you, the more information you can give them, the more comfortable they will be in working with you. Here are ten free blogging tools for you to start with: 10 Free Blogging Tools To Create A Perfect Business Blog Post
Marketing Promotions
During all challenging times, it is important to outmanoeuvre your competitors with special offers or other types of promotions. When all the competitors have gone quiet, it’s important you are the one still persevering. Work out unique offers and use this period as an opportunity to strike when your competition is in retreat.
Website Content
Now more than ever will customers be conducting online research before they make any purchase decision. So now more than ever should the Big Five (5) pieces of content that every website should have, be your focus. The Big Five (5) include clearly sharing on your website your Prices, Problems, Comparisons, Reviews and Best Of/Top #. This information is 100% paramount to not only maintaining but growing your business through these times. Read more about it here: The Best 5 Content Topics For Leads Generation!
CRM – Customer Relationship Management tool
It’s an excellent time to ensure that your business is set up properly and relies on a good and robust CRM forming the backbone to your sales, marketing and customer service foundation. A CRM that can automatically track all your emails and all your website visits is vital to the growth of any business. Moreover, it is important to know that it has never been simpler nor more affordable to invest in a high-quality CRM than right now. Read more about this here: Sales and Marketing Alignment
Social Media Channels
Tell the market what challenges you are going through. What you are doing to alleviate them? How you are conducting business? What offers you have going on? Additionally, share it across all the main channels you have available. Make sure that this information is kept up to date and replying to questions and comments in time. In such circumstances, we like to see and hear that people are getting on with their lives and their businesses. The more normal the better. Social Media platforms allow us to do this. Speak to your customers directly and often.
Google My Business
This free (for now) digital asset is fast becoming the most important snapshot of your business. It’s a source that, when set up right. It shows up in the most prominent search positions and is where customers can see at a glance what is going on with your business. Your address, phone number, website link, opening hours, news/products/events and any other updates are all laid out there for customers to see. Therefore, it has to be kept with true, up to date and resourceful information. Read more about it here: The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business 2021
So there you have it, the most important online business fundamentals to get right in challenging times.
As an accredited Google and Hubspot agency partner, Digilari Media is eager to help any business wanting expert assistance and guidance in adjusting to their specific new challenges.
Simply click here to book some time in our calendar to discuss your needs in greater detail.