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Our Managing Director Sean Brown discusses the three technical fundamentals of website strategies for digital marketers that might be holding you back from getting the performance you need for your website to grow your business. The 3 digital marketing fundamentals are:
- Technical Fundamentals
- User Experience
- Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
It’s not only about looking BEAUTIFUL
1. The Base of Website Strategy – Technical Fundamentals
Having an aesthetic and beautiful website is not enough for you to enhance your website’s performance and growth. Yes, a good looking website is an essential factor, but the question for a digital marketer is, ‘How can you retain those who land on your website and make them complete desired goals?’. Those desired goals can be a form fill, a booking confirmation or a successful transaction. These are technical fundamentals that have to be taken into consideration. As the saying goes:
A lasagna without its layers is just a layer of pasta dough
Ensuring that technical fundamentals at the back of your site are ‘Search Engine Ready’ is as critical as plugging in your charger as soon as your phone hits 1%. There is a raft of factors that would affect your website’s performance. These factors can be Page Load Speed, Metadata, Page Structure, Security and many more. They are all crucial to ensure that the Search Engines recognise that your site is set up correctly and answers what they are looking for from a ranking point of view.
2. User Experience (UX)
These are some questions that digital marketers should ask themselves:
- How are customers engaging with your site when they come to your website?
- Are users finding what they are looking for?
- Will customers be able to buy their products without too much friction?
- Are you answering the questions that they may have?
These factors come together and determine what the user experience will be when they land on your website. You have to consider what your customers are interested in and looking for, always keeping updated with current trends and advancements. Staying relevant and updated is the key to strategic optimisation.
“ True optimisation is the revolutionary contribution of modern research to decision processes.”
– Georgy Dantzig
Implementing a user-centric approach by thinking from the users’ point of view is also critical in ensuring a better user experience when navigating your website. If an action visitors take does not make sense or is not expected, recommending a change to make the process more free-flowing would elevate their experience.
3. Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
In addition to the user experience, we want our users to convert, and it’s called Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). To implement an effective CRO, digital marketers have to go through their websites in their entirety and ensure that all the various endpoints that help their prospects or customers convert on their site are working and placed in the most effective position. These endpoints can be Buying the product, Contacting you, or any other calls-to-action (CTAs) that increase their conversion rate and goal completions.
Customers look at your website in its entirety. The more friction there is, the less willing they will be to take action.
Having these three elements work smoothly and coherently together would ensure that you will get the best success and performance from your website.
For more information on this topic, please contact Digilari Media and speak to our Specialists.