
How Effective Is Your Digital Footprint

There are a lot of digital marketing agencies out there that offer a ‘no-obligation, free website audit’. Whilst this is a useful tool that will help you determine the issues on your website, along with what needs to happen to improve the sites overall performance, it’s only a small part of your digital picture and digital footprint.

In saying this, we do recommend that you get a real, in-depth website audit done at some stage and make time to act on its recommendations, we can also help you with this.

However, as noted above, a website audit is only one small piece of your digital footprint and in reality, it only tells you one part of the story.

It says nothing about all the other aspects that form your real digital footprint, such as your social media capabilities, your overall search visibility, your search engine friendliness factors, your lead generation capabilities etc. and more importantly, how you compare to your competitors in all of these key areas.

Because of this lack of true visibility, Digilari Media created the 

Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA) tool

Digital Maturity Assessment by Digilari Media


How digital maturity assessment works?

Through a series of predetermined questions and discovery points, we physically review and score your website, your social media, your online visibility etc. in direct comparison to that of your two major competitors, thus providing you with an in-depth series of points that will show you where you need to improve in order to have the leading digital footprint in your circle of competition.

The above summary page is exactly that, the summary results page, giving you a snapshot look at how you compare along with a summary of these scores in graph form to quickly show you the lay of the land, and to immediately identify where your strengths and weaknesses lie in comparison to your two selected competitors. But there is a lot more to the report than just this summary results page.

31 ways to improve!

When we say in-depth, we mean it! To complete the Digital Maturity Assessment, we cover off 31 specific discovery points, that we believe, covers the main attributes that will determine whether your digital footprint is at the right level to be able to compete and lead in your market.

This is not a software application, nor an automated marketing tool completing these Digital Maturity Assessments, in fact these are our Digital Marketing Specialists spending the time to carefully review each of these 31 points across you and your two competitor’s digital assets and footprint, then making experienced based calculations to determine the right scores for each discovery point.

We briefly touched on the attributes that make up the Digital Maturity Assessment, but let’s expand a bit on each of the areas we cover off in your DMA, these are:

1. Social Media Capabilities

We review all you and your competitor’s social media platforms, we find out where customers can find and engage with each of you, how active you all are on the various platforms, along with the consistency, quality and tone of the activity. We’ll also measure and compare the level of reviews on both social and Google.

2. Search Engine Friendly 

Here we’ll review the technical fundamentals, the key ones that the search engines look for in order to give websites the tick of approval. We’ll cover off duplicate content, sitemap and robots, look for broken links, see if there are Heading & Title issues, we’ll check the overall security of the sites and lastly we’ll see where the three businesses sit with regards to Google My Business.

3. Lead Generation Capabilities

Here we focus on the user experience when it comes to page load-speed, both desktop and mobile, whilst also reviewing the mobile-friendliness across the sites. This is where the call-to-action (CTA) comes into play, where we measure how well the sites are set up to capture leads, how simple these are to use, do they stand out, do they make logical sense and is there a clear benefit to the customer for taking the required action.

4. Search Engine Marketing

Here we review how well each business is utilising Google AdWords, particularly reviewing brand protection, ad ranking and structure to look for ‘obvious ‘win points’ you could take advantage off in an immediate sense.

5. Ranking/Search Visibility 

For each of the sites we review five (5) keywords and determine the ranking of each.

6. Tracking Capabilities & Analytics

For each of the sites we evaluate the tracking and reporting capabilities to ascertain how committed each of the businesses are to deploying modern marketing techniques such as remarketing along with how much opportunity each business has to put data collection insights to work to their advantage. 

How will you use your digital maturity assessment?

We’ll take it that you are genuinely looking for ways and methods to take market share away from your competition and in saying this, you are aware on how a healthy digital footprint can give you the edge to achieve this.

Your Digital Maturity Assessment will need to work hand in hand with your overall business and marketing objectives to determine what you target first to improve.

We don’t just come with problems, we also come with solutions.

The good news is once we have completed your Digital Maturity Assessment, we don’t just send it to you without further discussion. Our aim will be to either set-up a call or meeting, whatever works best for you and take this time to guide you through each of the 31 points. Moreover, explaining why they were scored as they were, whilst also providing you with the right solutions to overcome any identified shortfalls or opportunities.

Now given the time it takes us to complete a Digital Marketing Assessment and that they are completely complimentary, with no obligation to conduct business with Digilari Media in any way, we do have some criteria on who we can complete these for.

Firstly, you have to value marketing and be committed to making your marketing, including your digital footprint, work better for you.

Ideally you’ll have to have more than twenty employees, as we have found smaller teams find it hard to allocate the appropriate amount of time to dedicate to improving their overall digital footprint.

Lastly, if you have a turnover of less than $5m per annum these Digital Maturity Assessments are probably not going to be the right tool for you at this stage. We say this knowing that DMA’s are really for established businesses who are a recognised competitor in their sector.

Whereas growing to this type of turnover takes grit and hustle, normally completed by the founders of the business or those team members handling multiple tasks in what is affectively a start-up phase. As such a lot of the attributes of the Digital Maturity Assessment will not be the key business driver priorities during this period of growth.

Of course that is not to say we won’t work with hungry, ready to rock ‘n roll start-ups with a clear vision, who want to disrupt or make a mark on the competitive landscape they have chosen to enter, after all, we have been there ourselves.

If this fits your profile, please read on to get your complementary Digital Maturity Assessment!

How can I get my digital maturity assessment?

If you have any questions with regards to the Digital Maturity Assessment or anything else with regards to digital marketing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Sean Brown